
Echo Lake Painting: The Artist’s Cabin  Original Oil Painting by Stefan Baumann

12×16 Oil on Oil Primed Linen Canvas Mounted on Wood Panel


4″ Gold Frame


Lower Left – Baumann Date Completed: 2004


“The Artist’s Studio” Echo Lake  StefanBaumann.com 2004

Artist’s Comments

Journal Entry:  Desolation Valley,  November 13, 2004

The nights are cold this time of year, and I woke up to the chill in the morning air that made me crawl deeper into my sleeping bag. I finally got the courage to unzip my tent. A slight frost covered my coffee pot but melted quickly once I placed it on the hot embers leftover from my fire the night before. The smell of the coffee brewing and the fresh pine scent, energized to make one last entry in my journal before returning back to civilization.

Today, I’m making a final trek over the summit and down to Echo Lake. This is my 5th day out hiking through Desolation Valley and painting vistas that I visited as a young artist still green and full of hope. I have successfully completed several oil sketches and also some studies or “etudes” that are more accurate observations of details from nature. I feel inspired to return to my studio so that I can apply these details to my paintings.

Painting the small details that have to be carefully observed to be seen is as important as recreating the entire landscape painting. The art of seeing beauty and the details in Nature inspires me, and from this experience, a painting flows from me ~ out of my heart, my hand and my brush.


Currently held by the artist



If you wish to acquire this fine original oil painting or if you have questions about this painting, please contact the artist at 415-606-9074 or email him at stefanbaumannartist@gmail.com.


The price of this original oil painting includes shipping.

This painting will be displayed in Stefan Baumann’s One Man Show titled: “Reverence: An Artist’s Tribute to Nature” at The Orland Art Center in Orland, CA from September 1 through 27, 2014.


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