
Sunset on Mesa One Original Oil Painting by Stefan Baumann

12×18 Oil on Canvas Stretched on Wood Bars


3″ 24k antique custom gold frame


Lower Left – Baumann


Sunset on Mesa One  Stefan Baumann

Artist’s Comments

Journal Entry, April 16, 2001

I’m enjoying my trip to Arizona and New Mexico. At a trading post in Indian Lands, I came across an antique postcard. The sepia image was of a cluster of buildings on top a mesa. I remembered seeing the image before in an old history book. I purchased the card and began my search for the vista. I asked an interpretive ranger at Mesa Verde National Park and fate smiled upon me! He informed me that the location in the photograph was his family’s home on the Hopi Reservation. After a lengthy conversation about the history of the village, he invited me to meet his family and go on a tour of the historical places in the oldest village in America.

After an 8 hour journey with him, I found myself at the foot of a massive ancient rock and we began to climb to the top. To my amazement, the Pueblo village still looked like the old photograph on the postcard. The family allowed me to do some sketches of the village in the warm glow of the setting sun and this inspired me to take my sketches home to my studio where I captured the soul of this experience on canvas.


Currently held by the artist



If you wish to acquire this fine original oil painting or if you have questions about this painting, please contact the artist at 415-606-9074 or email him at stefanbaumannartist@gmail.com.


The price of this original oil painting includes shipping.

This painting will be displayed in Stefan Baumann’s One Man Show titled: “Reverence: An Artist’s Tribute to Nature” at The Orland Art Gallery in Orland, CA from September 1 through 27, 2014.


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