
The Drag Rider  Original Oil Painting by Stefan Baumann

20 x 30 Oil on Linen Canvas

The Drag Rider Painting Label


Framed in Black /Gold Wood with a 24k gold leaf over wood (27×37) with name plate – Stefan Baumann, Drag Rider


Lower Left  – Baumann  Monogram GV  Date: 14

Artist’s Comments

This painting by Stefan Baumann won the Annual Red Bluff Western Art Show and Competition’s Blue Ribbon and took First Place in the Painting Division with a painting of a cowboy on horseback wrangling a lost calf back to camp as the day comes to an end with beautiful lighting effects of the setting sun in the background. This original oil painting titled “The Drag Rider” was conceived and painted from the artist’s imagination in his studio near Mount Shasta, California.  The powerful story told in this painting is about the dedication of this weary drag rider (a cowboy whose job it is to find the cattle left behind), who perseveres and brings the calf back to the herd as the sun sets. Baumann states, “I painted this painting as an homage to the courageous cowboys who helped to settle the American West by providing food and a way of life through the cattle business.”


Currently held by the artist



If you wish to acquire this fine original oil painting locally for your collection of art from the National Parks, please contact the artist at 1-800-511-1337 or email him at stefanbaumannartist@gmail.com.


The price of this original oil painting includes shipping.

This painting will be displayed in Stefan Baumann’s One Man Show titled: “Reverence: An Artist’s Tribute to Nature” at The Orland Art Center in Orland, CA from September 1 through 27, 2014.


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