
Yosemite National Park: Christmas Morning in Yosemite, 2002 Oil Painting by Stefan Baumann

10×14 Oil Canvas Mounted on Board


4″ 24k Handcrafted Frame


Lower Right – Baumann GV 02


Opus 23, Stefan Baumann 85 Cerritos SFCA 94127 415-333-7070

Artist’s Comments

Journal, December 25, 2002

It’s Christmas morning and the morning sky is illuminated by the rays of the early morning sun, and my tent and campsite are in the cold shadow of El Capitan, one of the prominent granite landmarks that towers 7,569′ over the valley floor. The shadow shrouds my tent. It is true that it is always colder before the dawn, even on Christmas morning. My tent protected me from the night frost and my sleeping bag kept me cozy, but now I must venture from the warm comfort of my cocoon and start my day painting.
The valley floor seems eerily quiet. Even the cry of the ravens goes unanswered this morning. I love to paint in the parks on this day of the year. It reminds me how it must have felt it to be an artist who journeyed to these wild places a hundred years before artists like Bierstadt, Hill and Moran reported to the world about the splendors that remained hidden from tourist’s eyes.
The sun travels quickly so I must hurry to capture the early light that I love to paint on canvas. Before I leave camp, I give thanks to the powers that be for giving me the insight and ability as an artist to see the beauty in nature.


Currently held by the artist



If you wish to acquire this fine original oil painting or if you have questions about this painting, please contact the artist at 415-606-9074 or email him at stefanbaumannartist@gmail.com.


The price of this original oil painting includes shipping.

This painting will be displayed in Stefan Baumann’s One Man Show titled: “Reverence: An Artist’s Tribute to Nature” at The Orland Art Gallery in Orland, CA from September 1 through 27, 2014.


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